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Volunteer Inquiry Form

Our members' safety and well-being is our number one priority, therefore we vet all of our Volunteer applicants and they must pass a criminal background and motor vehicle check.  All applicants must submit two current, non-family, references that you have either worked with, for, volunteered with or are considered friends.  Please include a phone number for each reference

We are excited to meet you and will give you a call in the next couple of days!



Areas of Interest for Volunteers

Companion/Friendly Visit (in-home)
Driver - Education
Driver - Medical Appointments
Driver - MedPal Notetaker
Driver - Social (outings, trips to friends, movies, church, etc)
Driver - to MGV Events & Activities
Errands - Grocery Pick Up/Dry Cleaning, etc
Friendly caller / Check-ins
Handy Person - Small Home Projects
Light House Cleaning / Organizing Projects
Meal Prep / Meal Delivery
Pet Care
Tech support
Walking Buddy
Yard Work/Gardening

Volunteer for My Glacier Village

Board Duties
Committee member
Community Awareness
Event Planning/Helping
IT Maintenance and Training
Marketing & Print Design
New Member Home Visit
New Member Services
New Volunteer Services
Office Support
Preferred Provider Vetting
Volunteer Training
Website Training and Maintenance

Additional Comments

Thank you for your interest

Thank you for your interest and we will be in touch with you very soon!